Ukrainian Developer Community
Ukrainian Developer Community
http://dev.net.ua/ - Kharkiv
The purpose of this Community is provide a place to meet for Ukrainian Windows developers, get help and help others, share knowledge and ideas. Our experts will answer all your quesitons on today and tomorrow Microsoft technilogies.
diskMETA - harddisk search engine
diskMETA - harddisk search engine
http://www.diskmeta.com/ - Kharkiv
Search system within local hard disk. Full-text search thin files in formats doc, xls, txt, rtf, html on your hard drive. Free version is accessible.
Company "NIX Solutions Ltd"
Company "NIX Solutions Ltd"
http://www.nixsolutions.com/ - Kharkiv
Site of the Ukrainian software developer.
Eclipse Software Programming LLC
Eclipse Software Programming LLC
http://www.eclipse-sp.com/ - Kharkiv
The information on company, executed projects. List of services.
EnTechEco Ltd.
EnTechEco Ltd.
http://www.entecheco.com/ - Kharkiv
Enterprise resource management systems (financial accounting, HR, maintenance and repair, fuel accounting, etc.). Web-design, Flash. Offshore software development.
Dmytro Shteflyuk's Home Page
Dmytro Shteflyuk's Home Page
http://kpumuk.info/ - Kharkiv
Software development, web-development.
Компанія "C-Reaction" http://c-reaction.net/ - Kharkiv
Paul Podlipensky - how money connect with hi-tech technologies
Paul Podlipensky - how money connect with hi-tech technologies
http://www.podlipensky.com/ - Kharkiv
Blog of IT-developer and manager of development of products of softwares. An author share experience in area of construction and sale SOFTWARE on ASP.NET, AJAX and other Microsoft technologies. This resource contans materials about Project Management
"Mega Business Software" site
"Mega Business Software" site
http://mbs-ukraine.com/ - Kharkiv
Information on services.