Kiev national economic university
Kiev national economic university
http://kneu.edu.ua/ua/ - Kiev
The site of the Kiev national economic university.
National Academy of Management
National Academy of Management
http://www.nam.kiev.ua/ - Kiev
The site of National Academy of Management.
Kiev National Trade and Economic University
Kiev National Trade and Economic University
http://www.knteu.kiev.ua/ - Kiev
General information, faculties, scientific activity, international connections; library, new editions.
Inter-regional academy of personnel management
Inter-regional academy of personnel management
http://www.iapm.edu.ua/ - Kiev
Information on forms and levels of the training, special courses, regional representations.
International Management Institute
International Management Institute
http://www.mim.kiev.ua/ - Kiev
The site of the International Management Institute.
University of economics and law "Krok"
University of economics and law "Krok"
http://www.krok.edu.ua/ - Kiev
Official site of the University of economics and law "Krok".
Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом http://maup.com.ua/ - Kiev
Academy of Municipal Management
Academy of Municipal Management
http://www.amu.kiev.ua/ - Kiev
Official site of Academy of Municipal Management.
National Academy of State Tax Service of Ukraine
National Academy of State Tax Service of Ukraine
http://www.asta.edu.ua/ - Kiev
The general information on Academy. Structure. Conferences.
Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine Ukrainian-American Liberal Arts Institute
Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine Ukrainian-American Liberal Arts Institute
http://www.wiuu.edu.ua/ - Kiev
Information about the institute: general data, student's life, educational programs, remote training.