Enthobotany and enthomycology Enthobotany and enthomycology
http://entheogen.ru/ - Lviv
Site contains information concerning enthomycology.
Carpatian Branch of Subbotine Institute of Geophys Carpatian Branch of Subbotine Institute of Geophys
http://www.cb-igph.lviv.ua/ - Lviv
Site of Carpatian Branch of Subbotine Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Ukrainian Institute of physical optics Ukrainian Institute of physical optics
http://www.ifo.lviv.ua/ - Lviv
Parametric studies, the methods of optical measurements, the optical principles of storage and communication. Information about the structure to institute and the scientific activity. Periodical of institute.
Cardiological portal "Ukrcardioorg" Cardiological portal "Ukrcardioorg"
http://www.ukrcardio.org/ - Lviv
Sections: education, science, libraries, periodicals, world cardiology, establishments, recommendations.
Site lv-microbcollect.lviv.ua Site lv-microbcollect.lviv.ua
http://lv-microbcollect.lviv.ua - Lviv
Culture collection of microorganisms-producers of antibiotics of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv.